North Shore I.T. Services Pty Limited

Business Software Architects

Analysts, Designers, Software Engineers, SQL Developers and DBA's

Big Data, Complex SQL Query, and Data Reporting Specialists

Transact SQL coding specialists

Legacy system conversions, data mapping jobs, server moves and upgrades

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Telephone Helpdesk Job Ticketing
Engineer Tracking and Scheduling
Cashbook and Invoicing

Multiple SQL database Integration Projects

HTTP XML Integration
Stock / Ordering / Warehousing Inventory and Stock Valuation

Toolsets: Microsoft SQL Server, HTML, and PHP

Legacy toolsets: Clarion for Windows by Softvelocity and Pervasive Btrieve


* Software Architect - Analysis and design of software based business solutions
* Investigation / Reviews and document writing jobs
* General Information Technology consulting services
* Quoting on supply of new software licensing and hardware
* HTML / PHP / Javascript - Website development and maintenance services - LAMP stack


* SQL Developer - Development services Microsoft SQL Server - Stored Procedures Functions and triggers
* SQL based application integration - integrating two or more stand alone SQL databases so to provide cost savings
* Integration and conversion jobs, data mapping exercises
* General Ledger data integration services
* Performance tuning and investigating slow running solutions
* ETL - Data Extract Transform Load jobs


* Microsoft SQL Server - Database Administration functions
* Server moves and upgrades
* Periodical maintenance exercises

Clarion for Windows specific...

* Development services
* SQL Rewrites
* Application and developer reviews
* Upgrades from version 6 or prior builds to current version. We have alot experience in this area
* Template jobs



I did work on this software package over an 11 year period, please refer to their website for details. We are happy to provide consulting services in line with our availability and their "signoff" on the work to be done.


Some code utilities I have written and make use of with the Clarion for Windows development tool. Supplied full code as is, no support or warranty provided.

* GUID. Will return a global unique identifier.
* Hex to Byte / Byte to Hex. Converts a character to Hex and back to text. Code also supplied to convert a string to hex, etc.
* Message. A full rewrite of the Clarion message box.
* OS Version. Return Operating System version string information from Windows.
* Search / Replace. A code function that I wrote some years back, and then left sitting on the development shelf. Search and Replace text, and control characters like CR/LF/TAB, in a string.
* Shell Execute. Some tried and tested code to open a file from an application, also supports direct printing of documents like the Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Shore Financials - "my small business" cash book / debtors invoicing / job document tracking project. Developed with the Clarion development tool by SoftVelocity, it uses an encrypted flat file ISAM database (the Clarion "topspeed" engine by SoftVelocity). Development (currently stalled) started 20 years ago with the Clarion for Windows tool. This project now using the v8 tool and the object oriented ABC template chain. Written to make GST tax reconcilation easier. I refer to it as business middle wear. Includes:
* cash book
* bank account reconcilation
* debtors invoicing
* tracking of payments against invoices
* and a basic job ticking system whose main feature is an extensive project file tracking system to suit any business professional. If you need a job ticketing system please let me know, I am happy to discuss your options!


June 2018

Contact Details

North Shore I.T. Services Pty Limited

Richard Bryce
Managing Director

Telephone: 61 403 892-880 (mobile service, via Whatsapp ok)


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